Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT)
A customized fitness regimen combining a plethora of protocols to enhance mental and physical performance in preparation for CPAT Testing.
A Monthly personalized progrom using 
- We schedule a FREE Consultation. Q&A style conversation.
- Then we schedule an Assessment.
- I'll put you through a few movement patterns to observe your balance, coordination and mobility.
- Based on your consultation and results from your assessment, I’ll program for you 7 days a week. You’ll follow the workout plan using True Coach which can easily be accessible from your phone, it has pictures, demo videos and step by step break down of your daily workout. These workouts can be done at any gym of your choosing or at home.
Candidate Physical Ability Test
This candidate physical ability test (CPAT) consists of eight separate events. The CPAT is a sequence of events requiring you to progress along a predetermined path from event to event in a continuous manner. This test was developed to allow fire departments to obtain pools of trainable candidates who are physically able to perform essential job tasks at fire scenes.
In these events, you wear a 50-pound (22.68-kg) vest to simulate the weight of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and fire fighter protective clothing. An additional 25 pounds (11.34 kg), using two 12.5-pound (5.67-kg) weights that simulate a high-rise pack (hose bundle), is added to your shoulders for the stair climb event.
Event #1 Stair Climb
Event #2 Hose Drag
Event #3 Equipment Carry
Event #4 Ladder Raise & Extention
Event #5 Forcible Entry
Event #6 Search
Event #7 Rescue
Event #8 Ceiling Breach & Pull
Tactical Athlete (Fire Academy Physical Training)
A Tactical Athlete is a person with the physical ability, stamina and strength to function on the battlefield which for firefighters is “The Fire Floor”. Similar to athletes who participate in regular sports, tactical athletes must be strong, fast and agile—but also have the endurance to perform repeatedly. To get better on the fire floor, they must focus on exercises that directly translate to the demands of their jobs.
Beyond the requirements of many other sports, tactical athletes must work on their musclar endurance and cardiovascular stamina. You could be the most powerful or fastest athlete in the world, but it won't matter if you can't sustain your performance when it's needed most. The Fire Floor doesn't have a clock or an end game. If you tire, you could put your life, or your teams life, in danger.
A Monthly personalized progrom using
- We schedule a FREE Consultation. Q&A style conversation.
- Then we schedule an Assessment.
- I'll put you through a few movement patterns to observe your balance, coordination and mobility. I will also put you throught the Baseline TEST given at the FDNY Fire Academy.
- 1.5 Mile Run under 12 minutes
- A minimum of 30 correct push-up at cadence
- A minimum of 30 correct sit-ups in a minute
- A minimum of 4 correct pull-ups
Based on your consultation and results from your assessment, I’ll program for you 7 days a week. You’ll follow the workout plan using "True Coach" which can easily be accessible from your phone, it has pictures, demo videos and step by step break down of your daily workout. These workouts can be done at any gym of your choosing or at home.